



说明: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\教师资格认定_王晓聪.jpg














2007.08 – 2015.12 佐治亚大学,化学系,博士

2003.09 – 2007.06 中国科学技术大学,化学系,学士


2018.04 – 至今 澳门永利唯一官方网址 讲师

2016.02 – 2018.02 佐治亚大学 复杂碳水化合物研究中心   博士后


 1.   Wang, X. C.;   Woods, R. J., Insights into furanose solution conformations: beyond the   two-state model. J. Biomol. NMR 2016, 64 (4), 291-305.

2.      Queiroz,   I. N. L.; Wang, X. C.; Glushka, J. N.; Santos, G. R. C.; Valente, A.   P.; Prestegard, J. H.; Woods, R. J.; Mourao, P. A. S.; Pomin, V. H., Impact   of sulfation pattern on the conformation and dynamics of sulfated fucan   oligosaccharides as revealed by NMR and MD. Glycobiology 2015, 25   (5), 535-547.

3.      Krishnamurthy,   V. R.; Sardar, M. Y. R.; Ying, Y.; Song, X. Z.; Haller, C.; Dai, E. B.; Wang,   X. C.; Hanjaya-Putra, D.; Sun, L. J.; Morikis, V.; Simon, S. I.; Woods,   R. J.; Cummings, R. D.; Chaikof, E. L., Glycopeptide analogues of PSGL-1   inhibit P-selectin in vitro and in vivo. Nat. Commun. 2015, 6,   12.

4.      Hsu, C.   H.; Park, S.; Mortenson, D. E.; Foley, B. L.; Wang, X. C.; Woods, R.   J.; Case, D. A.; Powers, E. T.; Wong, C. H.; Dyson, H. J.; Kelly, J. W., The   Dependence of Carbohydrate-Aromatic Interaction Strengths on the Structure of   the Carbohydrate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (24),   7636-7648.

5.      Zhang,   W. H.; Meredith, R.; Yoon, M. K.; Wang, X. C.; Woods, R. J.;   Carmichael, I.; Serianni, A. S., Synthesis and O-Glycosidic Linkage   Conformational Analysis of C-13-Labeled Oligosaccharide Fragments of an   Antifreeze Glycolipid. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84 (4),   1706-1724.

6.      Zhang,   W. H.; Turney, T.; Meredith, R.; Pan, Q. F.; Sernau, L.; Wang, X. C.;   Hu, X. S.; Woods, R. J.; Carmichael, I.; Serianni, A. S., Conformational   Populations of beta-(1 -> 4) O-Glycosidic Linkages Using Redundant NMR   J-Couplings and Circular Statistics. J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121   (14), 3042-3058.

7.      Turney,   T.; Pan, Q. F.; Sernau, L.; Carmichael, I.; Zhang, W. H.; Wang, X. C.;   Woods, R. J.; Serianni, A. S., O-Acetyl Side-Chains in Monosaccharides:   Redundant NMR Spin-Couplings and Statistical Models for Acetate Ester   Conformational Analysis. J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121 (1),   66-77.

8.      Singh,   A.; Tessier, M. B.; Pederson, K.; Wang, X. C.; Venot, A. P.; Boons, G.   J.; Prestegard, J. H.; Woods, R. J., Extension and validation of the GLYCAM   force field parameters for modeling glycosaminoglycans. Can. J. Chem. 2016,   94 (11), 927-935.



1.    Hadad, M. J.; Zhang, W.   H.; Turney, T.; Sernau, L.; Wang, X. C.; Woods, R. J.; Incandela, A.;   Surjancev, I.; Wang, A.; Yoon, M. K.; Coscia, A.; Euell, C.; Meredith, R.;   Carmichael, I.; Serianni, A. S., NMR Spin-Couplings in Saccharides:   Relationships Between Structure, Conformation and the Magnitudes of J(HH),   J(CH) and J(CC) Values. In Nmr in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology,   Kato, K.; Peters, T., Eds. Royal Soc Chemistry: Cambridge, 2017; Vol. 10, pp   20-100.                          



